Saturday, March 26, 2011

City Center

Sorry for being late posting last week's work.  It is Spring Break week at CSN, just came back from SFO last night.  Had a good time visiting family and friends, only wish the weather were a bit better than what it was-rainy, windy and cold...  Reminded me too much of Oregon weather that I got away from.
San Francisco is one of my favorite city in the world, however, on this trip I didn't get a chance to do any city photography.  I will have to take a trip this Summer just to do that.
Here in Las Vegas, City Center is my favorite location for architectural shots.  I have taken numerous pictures in the past of this land mark.  This time I tried capturing things I missed before, and with new perspective. I decided to use B & W for most parts to emphasize the lines & shapes of the architectural elements and lights.  A couple of wheel pool & reflection shots that had so much colors in it, I kept them the way they were captured to preserve the mood.  So, here they are...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Las Vegas Up High

This week's theme was "Las Vegas Up High".  We went up to Stratosphere top deck where my vertical comfort zone was tested. It literally made me sick just by watching the thrill riders hanging over the edge of the tower straight down to the Strip.  I was totally amazed by the numbers of female sky-jumpers.  I guess there are more people than I know love the hight.  Nevertheless, I managed to stay up there for the whole length of class time...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Circus Circus

It was a perfect Spring weather for street photography this week.  Peppermill breakfast was awesome.  It set the tone for colorful circus circus day.  Hard to believe that I have not set foot in Circus Circus since I moved to Vegas in 2005, and my last visit was in the early 1990s! The inside is dated and smoky, I barely remembered how it looked like inside.  10 am is too early for the adventure dome goers, nevertheless, I managed to find more things than I expected to shoot.  My focus of the day were, colors, motion and lines.